This weekend our oldest daughter will attend a spiritual retreat called “Search.” This retreat is meant for high school juniors and seniors to reflect on their faith and life. It’s a wonderful opportunity for these young adults to take the time to “reflect” on the important things in life.
With the New Year off and running, it’s a great time for us all to “search.” It’s a great time to put a little thought into what matters to us all and where we are heading. What’s important to you? What (or who) matters the most in your life? What are your goals for 2015? Do they connect with the important things in your life?
It’s easy to simply get sucked into the fast-paced, electronically connected world in which we now live. Even our daughter is excited to disconnect from her phone this weekend. We sometimes need the opportunity to reflect, recharge, and redirect our actions……even the actions connected to our financial affairs need attention.
I would encourage you to take some time to look at where you are heading. Are you heading in a direction in which you truly desire? Do your financial goals match your personal and life goals?
It’s easy to keep our heads down and keep chipping away at our daily task, but do yourself a favor…..take some time to look up and look forward. Are you on the right path?